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What Should I Bring To My First Appointment At A Law Firm?

On Behalf of | Nov 7, 2023 | Firm News

You have been hurt because of someone else’s actions (a car crash, a slip and fall, a medical malpractice injury) and you already called Logan, Vance, Sullivan & Kores for help. What should you bring to my intake appointment to discuss my personal injury claim with one of their attorneys?

The short answer is: All of the information that you have may be helpful for us!

Please bring the following information:

  1. Accident information summary or a police report;
  2. Your Driver’s License or any other identification;
  3. Photos of the accident scene and of any injuries. Pictures of the vehicle damage and pictures of your injuries may be very important for us;
  4. Dash Cam Video;
  5. All Auto insurance policy information (declarations page);
  6. Health insurance card;
  7. Any correspondence from any insurance companies (and do not make any statements to any insurer!);
  8. Appraisal of your vehicle (if already appraised).

Contact Logan Vance Sullivan & Kores LLP, to schedule an appointment so one of our trained professionals can advise you about your case. We meet with people in person, on the phone and online.

We are just a click, or a call, away.